Interesting behaviour
I have pack of models. When I loaded them into ballancer, it not allowed me to decimate cca under 40 percent (from 28k poly to 12k poly). I found out, that if I load these models to 3dsmax and export again, ballancer allows me to go easily on 200 poly, with 2k poly still good quality. I really dont understand, why reimporting these meshes alowed better decimation. Any idea? It is not general rule, I tryed on other models and no effect.
thanks for reply. I tried both tools, but no effect:
Joining normals: 0 vertices affected; done in 0.0044179 seconds.
Joining texture coordinates: 0 vertices affected; done in 0.005437 seconds.
Acutally this is not issue, exporting from 3dsmax works, so no problem at all. I was just curious why. If you want, I can send you the mesh.
Thanks for the feedback.
I will appreciate if you could help us to understand this issue
and send us one of those models before and after 3ds max processing.
Please send the file(s) to .
Thank you in advance.
Thanks for your question.
Please inspect the boundaries of your model before
and after 3ds max processing. I think that you should
notice difference in the normal and/or texture coordinates
boundaries. To get the same results directly in Balancer,
you need to get rid of duplicated normals and/or texture
coordinates. For this apply Tools | Join Normals and/or
Join Texture Coordinates.
For more on boundaries, take a look here: