deleting items out of mesh?
Mon, 03/28/2011 - 11:04
Hi, firstly I have to say that Balancer is really REALLY amazing.
I was looking through the mesh list on the side and noticed these little eye icons for hiding things. It'd be really great if there were a way to just erase items out of the list completly so that they wouldn't export at all. I know that sounds crazy, but sometimes I'd have to import a mesh with oberlapping parts, and if I could just get rid of some of the parts there by hiding groups, that would be cool. Or just making it so that only certain parts get exported while others don't.
Can we already do that? If so, how?
Thanks for your kind words.
The next public version will include ability to
save selected/visible objects only.
Since you purchased Balancer, we have added
a (not public) preview version of Balancer with
some new features including this one to the Downloads
section of your account.
When you save/export your models, choose
'Objects to save' in the bottom of the Save dialog.