OBJs from FormZ not working
Hi, I am having issues with bringing in OBJs from FormZ. I usually end up with too many polys and Balancer has been great to deal with. Recently, I have found that none of the files that I create will open in Balancer. I get the error:
obj Importer error: cannot open input file: /Volumes/3TB/3D/•EIProjects/UFO/Models/test-toss.obj
Importing '/Volumes/3TB/3D/•EIProjects/UFO/Models/test-toss.obj': done in 0.01 sec
This error is with a simple sphere. I have tried exporting from FormZ as UNIX and Mac format and other options but can't get anything to work. Any suggestions? Thanks. -Derryl
Hi Derryl,
Thanks for your message and for the model.
If you use Mac, the problem could be that our Mac version does not support Unicode file names.
I see that you use path with a strange character in the beginning of EIProjects: '3D/•EIProjects'.
Also not that the error is that the file cannot be opened (and not read or processed) by Balancer.
Please open your models from a different location that does not contain any Unicode characters.
We tried your models on Windows, and they were successfully opened and simplified.
Best regards
That was it, thanks for the quick response!
Here is a link to simple .obj that will not import into Balancer: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/31924077/Sphere.zip