Partial shape lost
Tue, 08/12/2014 - 11:58
Hi all,
I did a complex model with photogramtry (+2.7M faces)
My goal is convert it to PDF3D.
I'm trying to reduce size with Balancer, that seams do very good job.
I'm using SimLab to convert OBJ to PDF.
All the time I can see all faces.
But when I finally can I see it with Acrobat Reader, it apears some gaps.
The gaps apreciate in Acrobat are the same shapes that in Balancer apears in orange color.
In this image you can see that I mean:
Is there any way to fix this?
Any help will be apreciate
Tanks in advance
Hi Josep,
Please try to apply Tool | Join Vertices after you load your mesh and before you build a simplification hierarchy for it. These should remove boundaries colored in orange. There are parameters to control 'Join Vertices' operation in Tools | Preferences. Hope this will help.
Please see more on joining vertices here: